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Ghost or No Ghost? Tik-Tok User’s Video Causes a Spooky Debate

Not sure I’m buying what Anna Banana is selling here. According to the Mirror, this Tik Tok user captured video of a clumsy specter getting caught up in her curtains while she attempted to film a review of White Claw.

We’ll set aside the question of why she’d be reviewing White Claw on Tik-Tok and just ask the question ... was this really a ghost? Doubters will say it’s obviously a hoax and that it’s just too convenient that the camera is angled just right to capture the phenomenon center-frame. Believers will believe almost no matter the evidence to the contrary.

So check it out for yourselves and let me know what you all think. Ghost ... or no ghost? And if you’ve had a paranormal encounter of your own, I want to hear about that, too! Share your story in the comments below!